Act 3: New York
Scene 1: A sophisticated dining establishment in 1889 Manhattan.
Twain: (looking at the menu) "How about some dinner, Holmes?"
Holmes: (leaning back in his chair, looking thoughtful) "I know it's dinner time here, Twain, but I'm not hungry. My sleep is off too. It's as if I'm still on London time."
(They look at each other, realization dawning)
Twain: (leaning forward, excited) "Holmes, that's it! The time difference! New Orleans is 6 hours behind London. The button pusher must have been on the early shift in New Orleans, which would have been the late shift in London!"
Holmes: (nodding, a smile spreading across his face) "Precisely, Twain. The button pusher was on the early shift in New Orleans, which coincides with the late shift in London. The button pusher is Mary Jones!"
Scene 2: The New York Police Department
(Holmes and Twain explain their findings to the police, who promise to apprehend Mary Jones. The two investigators leave the police station, satisfied that they have solved the mystery of the simultaneous button push.)
Holmes: (grinning at Twain) "Well done, Twain. Another mystery solved. "
Twain: (laughing) "Only with your help, Holmes. Here's to our next adventure."
(They clink their glasses together, a toast to their successful collaboration, and walk on to adventures yet to come.)